
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"Chai Latte": The story behind the concept.

The basic concept of “Chai Latte” comes from the idea of minor characters in our lives and the awkwardness that occurs when trying to develop the acquaintanceship into something more.

These people are all around us. You know, that guy that was in your class two semesters ago that you see around campus all the time. The cute girl that always seems to catch you staring at her in the library. The barista that knows what you’re going to order before you get to the register. The server that always seems to be flirting with you. The friend of a friend of a friend you only see at parties.

“How should I deal with this person? Should I say hi? Should I engage in small talk? What do I say when I see them outside of their natural habitat? What do I do when I want to get to know them?”

This is the inner monologue that occurs anytime we interact with these people. Why is it sometimes so hard to talk to people we see everyday? What prevents us from just going for it?

The idea for this story came to me during a late night study session. It was 2:00 am and a very cute girl sits at the computer next to me. I literally see this girl everywhere. We exchange glances from time to time and even smile at each other every now and again but it doesn’t go past that. It’s kind of weird when you think about it. We are comfortable enough to glance at each other, (sometimes even nod hello) and smile from time to time but not comfortable enough to say anything. The entire time while she is sitting next to me I kept saying to myself “Man, I should say something to her” and with that line we begin the story.

The central plot of Chai Latte will focus on a male college student’s inner struggle to muster up enough courage to speak to a woman he “kind of sort of knows”.

As stated above it will be inspired by (not based upon) what happened that night at the library. I hope to finish this story soon. I’m using this project as sort of a springboard for a more ambitious project I plan to finish later.

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