
Sunday, June 20, 2010

06/20/2010 - I'm slowly turning into her

"I'm Slowly Turning Into You" by The White Stripes

I'm slowly turning into you
But you don't know this
Tell the truth
You say I'm lying and I never really tell you the truth
But your face is getting older
So put your head on my shoulder
Yeah, put your head on my shoulder

Yesterday it hit me that I do all the little things
That you do
Except the same little things that you do are annoying
They're annoying as hell in fact
It kinda struck a little bell in fact
I like to keep my little shell intact

And I'm slowly turning into you
And I'm slowly turning into you

Then something else came to mind
That was the mirror
It made everything clearer
That you're more beautiful compelling and stronger
It didn't take much longer
Just for me to realize I love all the little things
And the beauty that they're gonna bring
I dig your little laugh and I'm lovin' your quick wit
I even love it when you're faking it
And it might sound a little strange for me to say to you
But I'm proud to be you

And I'm slowly turning into you
And I'm slowly turning into you
And I'm slowly turning into you
And I'm slowly turning into you

So why did I post these lyrics? I'll tell you why. This song was stuck in my head all day tester day. When I pieced together the reason, I realized something scary. This song mirrors my life. I'm slowly turning into my girlfriend. It's true. Somehow, over the past five years, I have picked up all of the little quirks and mannerisms that define Sheena Romero. Yesterday, I went into the bathroom and smelled something funny. When I looked into the mirror I saw that I was making the same face Sheena does when she smells something funny. Some of her words have found their way into my everyday vocabulary as well. I even got mad a when I saw that someone had not put the toliet seat down. I was even more furious when I realized that the culprit was me.

When I first realized I was turning into a 24 year old bi-racial woman, I was absolutely frightened. However, upon further contemplation, I felt a little better. Why? I had an epiphany of sorts. If I'm slowly turning into Sheena, then she is turning into me just as much. Upon further investigation of this thoery I found it to be correct. Sheena has picked up on just as many of my mannerisms as I have on hers. Phrases that I use regularly like "Rookie Mistake" and "Untested, ready to prove themselves" have found there way into her everday vocabulary. Her taste have also evolved over the years to mirror mine.

From what I've heard, this is a common occurence. I've this happen with my group of friends but never with a girlfriend. I feel that I shouldn't fear turning into my significant other. In fact, I feel the opposite. I feel I should embrace this change. In the long run, these personal quirks and mannersims will bring us closer together.

- "I'm proud to be you"

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