
Thursday, April 15, 2010

04/15/2010 - The one about love songs.

I have no shame in admitting that I am a sucker for a good love song. I am a hopeless romantic at heart, and while I do realize that is kind of lame, I don't care. Last time I checked this was my blog and I'll write whatever I damn well please.

Anyways, back to the topic at hand. Love songs. More specifically, good love songs. There are plenty of love songs out there but I wouldn't necessarily say any of them are good or rememberable. Take any of the modern R&B songs that are poluting the airwaves. Sure they are catchy and can serve a purpose as topical means to show your significant how much you "love" them in a status update but that doesn't mean they are good. Most if not all of these songs will be forgotten within 6 weeks. In my opinion, the reason that these songs don't really live on is primarily due to the fact that they all lack heart and a sense of authenticity. Every song heard on the radio has such a mass marketed manufactured tone to it. This is the main reason I don't listen to modern day R&B music (or any "mainstream" music). Don't get me wrong there are a few R&B artists that make very good cheesy love songs (Maxwell, John Legend, Anthony Hamilton, you get the point).

In order for me to consider a love song to be considered good in my book it must include or do the following:
1. Heart(obviously)
2. Real instruments
3. Clever lyrics but not too clever for it's own good (Such Great Heights and Strange and Beautiful are excellent examples)
4. Cause some sort of emotional response or thought of someone past or present.
5. Authenticity or realism.
6. A bit of cheesiness (John Mayer's "Your Body is a Wonderland", I'm looking at you)
1. Pianos and or guitars
2. Duets, preferably with a man and a women.
3. Songs that remind me of Sheena :-)
4. Obscure Sexual metaphors (See "Insect Eyes")
5. Tells a story

Now this is a quick and dirty list but you get the idea. This is why I tend to gravitate toward "indie" loves songs. (indie is in quotes because couldn't think of a better word and I'm sure there is a better word but I can't think of it right now). I also feel that a good love song doesn't have to specifically be about how good things are going. In fact, my favorite love songs are about the imperfections of relationships. John Legend's "Ordinary People", Aqualung's "Falling Out of Love" and Glen Hansards "When Your Mind's Made Up" are excellent examples. I enjoy these songs because I can relate. I love my girlfriend to death but, in all honestly, there are times where she has not been my favorite person.

For some reason I feel I should end with a list. . . I feel compelled at this point.

Top 5 Non-R&B "Love Making" songs playlist (sorry mom).

The reason I say non R&B is because the state of modern day R&B, with the exception of a few, is absolutely terrible and making a list of Old school R&B tracks is, frankly, cheating.

Anways here is the list:

1. Portishead - Only You. This song pushes all the right buttons for me. A nice deep bass line, turntable scratching, saxaphones, a soulful female voice, and great lyrics. Definitely puts me in the mood anytime I hear it.

2. Aqualung - Strange and Beautiful. This song tells the story of unrequited love. A combination of heartfelt lyrics, and melodic tone ensures you will have a passionate session.

3. Radiohead - Nude. This song has a nice and slow steady rhythm which helps establish a nice pace during intamacy.

4. John Mayer - "Your Body is a Wonderland". Title is self explanatory. This song is a bit cheesy but still fun. (Try whispering the lyrics in your lover's ear for optimal effects)

5. She Wants Revenge - "Tear You Apart". "Making love" doesn't always have to be slow. This song is dirty, fast, and quite intersting.

This is by no means a definitive, end-all-be-all list but I do feel that it is a very well structured playlist. I understand that people respond differently to music but don't knock it until you try it. (Not confirming or denying that I have put this list to use before)

This subject has been exhausted.

- "I am heaven sent. . . "

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